Welcome Again...!! Today we will be learning how to insert Image element in a report using Jasper Studio. Step 1 : Create a blank report named "inserting_image.jrxml" Step 2 : Drag Image Element from Palette in Page Header Band as shown in screenshot. (Normally, Image Element is placed in Title, Page Header or Group Header Sections). Step 3 : Select Image path from the list. In this example v'll be using "Absolute path" as a image location. There are different storages where image is saved. a) Workspace resource : Image location stored in the workspace where all reports are developed. b) Absolute Path in the filesystem : Image location in your local desktop. c) URL : Link and name of image with extension (.png, .jpg, etc.) saved in the webpage. d) Select a resource from JasperReports Server : Image location where image file is saved in JasperReports server. e) Custom Expression : Image location with extension where image is stored. (It c...
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