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Showing posts from October, 2018

Techniques for Inserting Image in Jasper report

Welcome Again...!! Today we will be learning how to insert Image element in a report using Jasper Studio. Step 1 : Create a blank report named "inserting_image.jrxml" Step 2 : Drag Image Element from Palette in Page Header Band as shown in screenshot. (Normally, Image Element is placed in Title, Page Header or Group Header Sections). Step 3 : Select Image path from the list. In this example v'll be using "Absolute path" as a image location. There are different storages where image is saved. a) Workspace resource : Image location stored in the workspace where all reports are developed. b) Absolute Path in the filesystem : Image location in your local desktop. c) URL : Link and name of image with extension (.png, .jpg, etc.) saved in the webpage. d) Select a resource from JasperReports Server : Image location where image file is saved in JasperReports server. e) Custom Expression : Image location with extension where image is stored. (It c...

XLSX, XLS or CSV as Datasource in Jasper Report

Welcome again !!! Today v'll be learning how to create data source using Excel or CSV sheet and generate Jasper report. Kindly follow below simple steps to fulfill your requirements. Step 1 : Create CSV / Excel file Using Microsoft Excel or other applications which supports extension of .csv / .xlxs / .xls formats.      Step 2 : Create Blank Jasper Report using 'One Empty Records Empty Rows' as Data source. Step 3 : Go to Repository Explorer Window > Data Adapters > Create Data Adapters. Step 4 : We can select ' CSV File ' for accepting CSV format file as datasource or ' Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx) ' for accepting XLSX or XLS format file as datasource. Step 5 : Add the settings as shown in the below image for both the xlsx, xls and csv format : If the first row in CSV, XLSX files are the column names identifying the definition of records, check ' Skip the first line (the column names will b...

Create a first Jasper report using built-in JDBC connection in Jaspersoft Studio

Welcome Guys...!!! Today v'll learn the first report creation in Jaspersoft Studio from default database connection embedded in Jaspersoft tool. Step 1 : Open TIBCO Jaspersoft studio Community / Professional version Tool. Download Jaspersoft Studio from link: Step 2  : Create New Project "Blog_Posts" by clicking on File > New > Project in Toolbar. Step 3 : Create New Jasper report "sample_template" by right clicking on Jasper Project "Blog_Posts" > New > Jasper Report. Step 4 : Selecting a Sample JDBC Connection in-built in Jasper Studio. There exists various types of database connections which is supported by Tibco Jaspersoft Tool. In this Post, v'll be using default JDBC connection as shown below : Step 5 : Writing queries of supported database. As a sample report we will pass simple query without semicolon:                           ...